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miami tours, the bangbus way

We find this cute petite blonde waiting for a Miami tour bus. Her name is Pristine and we notice she is the gullible type (our favorite)... we reel her in by lying to her and saying we are the bus she paid for, hahahaa! She has a pretty face and the hottest lil tight body, and was so eager to hop in the van with a couple of dirtbags like us! Little did she know that she d be getting a Miami tour she d never forget... we roll through the hood and keep playing the tour guide card, and then threaten to drop her off in the middle of a dangerous neighborhood.... UNLESS SHE GETS NAKED AND GETS DOWN WITH THE DICK, THAT IS! HAHAA!! She was guzzle hard rod and getting fucked in no time. A bit reluctant at first, but we flashed that cash in her face and she was bout it bout it, know what I m saying? These blondes love get pounded hard and raw, and Pristine was no exception! Hardcore amateur sucking and fucking on the bus, bro! Another one bites the dust!

  • 00:48:36
  • Dec 02, 2014
  • 686


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