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another satisfied customer!

It s another awesome day at the pawn shop. This sexy Brazilian woman walks in through those doors trying to pawn a Cello. Really! Do people still play these instruments. Anyway, I caught her in a lie. She s trying to claim it s her step-daughter s, but it s actually Fernando s, who owns rental company fro instruments. The barcode is on it. Us pawn shops stick together. She got real pissed. Seems like Veronica is sexually frustrated. I can read her body language. Her husband is old and won t fucked her whenever she needs dick. I guess that s where I come into play. I told her I can give her money and satisfy that sexual craving of hers. Veronica is no fool. She took the offer. Enjoy.

  • 00:45:27
  • Mar 12, 2015
  • 2789


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