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second thoughts

We here at Girls Gone Wild were given some naughty wedding footage you HAVE TO SEE! It is only hours before the young bride walks down the aisle... but WAIT! Someone has cold feet. Our bride, Candace Hayes, 22, is having second thoughts on the day of her wedding. With all the stress that surrounds the planning of this big day, we think she just needs time to relax. Her Bridesmaid, Victoria Perry, 20, helps by giving her a nice foot rub to help calm her as she documents the intimate moment on camera. Candace lies back on the bed while Victoria caresses her feet and massages her stress away. Oh, did we mention her vagina is the only thing she massages? This is a pre-honeymoon treat you won t want to miss.

  • 00:14:15
  • Mar 21, 2015
  • 151


Pornbox Live Girls

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