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mia khalifa takes on big qb dick

If you know me at all, you know that what I love more than anything in the world is award winning star quarterbacks. Once I saw him hanging out with my ex-boyfriend I knew I had to have him. Even if he didn’t want it, but to me, “no” means “yes” and I knew he wanted it all along. I almost caught him at a bad time, he was on his way out to get some seafood on a five finger discount, but i was able to persuade him to hold off for a bit. Using my clam grip, it was worth the weeks of meticulous staking to find out his schedule. He’s a busy guy. I loved every second of it. It’s true what they say about football players, “Big talent, bigger scandal!”

  • 00:19:30
  • Apr 24, 2015
  • 593


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