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boom goes the bass

Whats up fuckers?!? Its that time again, time for another episode of the Pawn shop! So this week a cute little blond walked in trying to pawn off her deadbeat boyfriend s subwoofer speaker. She needed the money to go and have a wild girls night out and escape from all the bullshit she has to normally deal with and of course since her boyfriend is a deadbeat He didn t have money to help her out so she had to sell off one of his old speakers. I saw this as an opportunity to capitalize on a not so happy girlfriend. they re usually the easiest to catch slippin and have a one night stand with. I ded to give a shit about how he doesn t help with the bills and how lazy he is. I told her if she really needed to enjoy herself that much i would gladly give her some money in exchange for a little something something, if you know what I mean. She was a little hesitant at first but once she caught an eye full of my dick, this girls was on her knees begging to suck my cock. I tell you what bitches l

  • 00:44:24
  • Oct 23, 2015
  • 546


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