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pawnstar meets a rockstar

I’ve gone and did it guys, i turned a Rockstar into a Pornstar. Well she ain’t quite a Rockstar, more like a local struggling artist with a guitar and a band, who needed my help. And she ain’t quite a Pornstar until I film her fucking a couple more times, you know what i mean, man. Let me it break it down, this sexy rocker chick needed her car brakes done and all she had was some lame guitars, luckily I was there to provide my special services. After i convinced her that her stuff wasn’t worth shit, i offered her something better to play, my skin flute. Unfortunately I had to double down and pay her 600 bucks, she only needed 300, but whatever that ass was worth a grand! Things got crazy as soon as i pulled my hog, she sucked a mean dick, tossed my salad and fucked like a champ. Another one in the books guys, oh yea look out for my skills on the old six string.

  • 00:58:39
  • Mar 04, 2016
  • 586


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