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weekend crew takes a at the

I had an amazing idea the other day,why not leave the equipment out so that the weekend team can get me some footage. i might as well, I’m already paying these guys to be there. And to my surprise the plan worked. Let me break down the story to you all. This tall sexy blonde walked in to the shop trying to sell a tiara that she won at some pageant. The boys negotiated for a bit and gave her a low ball offer for that silly thing. Good job boys! Wes got a little bit more of the backstory of why she needed the money, turns out she’s a student and needed to make payments for a class or she would miss out on her semester. The not so smooth Wes, stumbled out some weak game and asked for a BJ. She got pissed off and stormed out. Weak sauce. A few hours later to my surprise she was back and took him up on the offer. Spider caught the mother elfin fly! this dude got some head in the shop and then took her upstairs to close out the deal. Its a good one boys, Enjoy

  • 00:48:36
  • May 13, 2016
  • 770


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