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molly mae goes all in for the team on the bang bus

It was a good day just cruising along when my friend here spotted this little hottie on the side of the road. Her little sign said she was raising money for her volleyball team. A noble effort indeed little lady. Well there she was in her little short shorts and we happen to have a few dollars to spare so we went over to investigate. We gave her a few bucks, but we told her we could help her make more money. A lot more money in fact. All she had to do for the team was get in the van and let us film a few things for one of those internet funding campaign things. Don’t worry Molly, it won’t take long. My friend went all in with his money, but Molly hesitates when she heard his offer. That “for the team” spirit kicked in though when that wad of cash went in her little fundraising bucket. Molly proceeds to prove why she deserves to be the team captain in the world s suckiest sport. Go team go!

  • 00:45:27
  • Jul 26, 2016
  • 723


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