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college slut carolina gets two d’s in her double penetration oral exam

Carolina came home from school today, she had just passed her College ESOL exam, and wanted to celebrate by fucking her boyfriend when she got home. To her delight Alberto was home on the couch texting his study buddy Martin. Carolina grabbed Alberto’s cock. Alberto being a medical student himself, tried to tell her that Martin was coming over to help him with his DRE quiz. She didn’t care and wanted dick. So Carolina pulled out Alberto’s dick and started to suck it hard and let him face fuck her. Alberto was so hard he bent her over on the couch and started ramming it into her wet hole, just as Martin came waltzing in. It was a shock! But Carolina and Alberto were so determined to cum that they themselves did something even more shocking. They Included Martin into their play and turned this situation in to a threesome. Now Carolina was getting her double penetration pop quiz. After they both crushed her guts and submitted their cum onto her face. Carolina left them to study for their quiz.

  • 00:36:27
  • Oct 29, 2016
  • 531


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