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home run audition in the xxx pawn shop

Hey y’all, just another day in the XXXpawn shop. This young Latina lady comes in with an autographed baseball bat. She wanted to pawn it so she could go to New York city and become a big TV star. She wants an awful lot of money for a beat up baseball bat that doesn’t have one of them certificates of authenticity. She doesn t even have a photo proving her story that it’s her dead daddy s baseball bat. Lady, for all I know, you stole that from the little league center down the street. I threw her a boner, I mean bone, but she was desperate for way more money than a beat up bat is worth. What’s a nice guy like me gonna do? Well, we can always go into my office and see what type of personal deal we can work out. Mia got her money for that bus ride to the big apple, but the only place I’ve seen her face on TV is in my personal collection. Guess it didn’t go so well for her. Act more naturally and less bitchy next time you want to get ahead Mia. Maybe next time you won’t have to give head to

  • 00:59:42
  • Nov 04, 2016
  • 3096


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