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derrick dodged the crazy chick bullet, xxx pawn store finds the gold

Kiley Jay stopped by the XXX Pawn store today and she was ready to pawn and begone! Seems her ex-finance was two-timing her with her best friend. Aw, ain’t that terrible. Well, now she wants to pawn this very expensive ring and go gamble on life in Vegas. Now I ain’t no geminiologist, but after I took a closer look at the ring in my office with Kiley, I had some real bad news for her - rings fake darling. Note to self, don’t push a dumped girl, they go crazy and destroy things. That’s probably what really happened. I mean heck, she don’t even know me and she’s already wrecking my office! Now I am not a man that likes to let an opportunity to go to waste, so I gets me a brilliant idea and share it with Kiley. Let’s fuck and send your ex a copy. Hell lets use the ring while we’re fucking so he really gets the message. Derrick dodged the crazy bullet with Kiley. Even though we just met like ten, fifteen, minutes ago, she was on her knees sucking my big dick real quick. She let Derrick kn

  • 00:50:15
  • Jan 06, 2017
  • 1153


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