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importing my dick in a milf’s mouth

This hot fucking MILF walks into my shop attempting to sell me a pair of guns that she stole from her husband. Her “amazing fucking plan” was to see me his guns so that she can pay him back a thousand dollars that she owes him. Isn’t that fucking clever? Obviously I couldn’t take that deal, but I had a different deal to offer her. Being that she seems to be carrying a huge pair of boobs, I offered her a thousand bucks to take her to my office and have a little fun, then she would be able to keep the guns and gain $1000 in the process. After some insisting in my part, she agreed and off to pound town we were. I wasn’t wrong thinking she had a huge pair. Once in my office, them giant tits came out of her shirt like tsunami hitting the coast of japan. I fucked this MILF all over my motherfucking office. Leaving her legs shaking and with a giant smile across her face. Now get paid and get out!

  • 00:36:27
  • Jan 20, 2017
  • 893


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