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step-sisters lexi luna and cristi ann end up sharing a cock

Conniving Lexi Luna seduces Cristi Ann’s man for his cock. This chick is super hot so it wasn’t long until we see her sucking on cock and getting fucked. The two go over to her room while Cristi is looking for Lexi all over the house. We see Lexi sexy body take a hard pounding before Cristi Ann angrily walks in. She’s mad at first but she takes this opportunity to finally do the threesome that she’s been fantasizing about. Yup, Cristi Ann and her stepsister Lexi Luna get wild with JMac’s cock. These two fuck on various positions while licking each other until they both end with their pretty faces glazed.

  • 00:34:21
  • Feb 01, 2017
  • 740


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