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ceremonial sex in the xxx pawn shop

I do love my chocolate. This sexy black hottie came in the XXX pawn shop trying to sell an African ceremonial mask. The woman looked great, but the mask looked creepy. My man Jamal said the thing was really valuable, but my shop isn’t really the place to sell such a thing. So I passed on the mask and went for the pussy. Just like most everyone that comes in, she was desperate for some cash. She said her lights were about to be shut off for being three months behind on her bill. Well that right there tells me she aint got a man and she lacks sound judgment. Perfect. It took some convincing, but before you knew it I had her behind the counter of the XXX pawn shopwith my dick in her mouth. Then I sent Jamal to lunch and fucked her tight black pussy all over the shop. I do love my chocolate.

  • 00:34:21
  • Mar 03, 2017
  • 868


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