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getting her out of a pickle

Here at the XXX Pawn Shop, we have tons of desperate chicks coming in trying to sell me crap, just cause they happen to be in a pickle. I am a kind hearted man and that’s why even though they bring me trash I always try to cut them a deal. This way they can at least go back home with the amount of money they so desperately need. Since the Items they try to sell me are worth dick, that’s exactly what I give them. This week, this chick came in to sell a set of paintball guns from a failed paintball business that her boyfriend had. I could give two shits about some paintball guns, what I wanted from the moment she walked in was at that pussy. I told her that I wasn’t gonna give her anymore than two hundred bucks for them guns, and I offered her the rest of the money she needed, for that pussy. After she complained about having a boyfriend and what not, she accepted my offer. They all do, boyfriend or not. All these chicks care about is the money. I took her to my office where I slammed he

  • 00:50:15
  • Mar 17, 2017
  • 659


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