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sometimes a girl just needs a friend

Working here can be a little overwhelming, the boss is always doing something that may be considered inappropriate. This particular week has been a bit difficult of Karlee Grey to manage. First, the boss shows up and begins to roast everyone to “boost team morale.” But all he does is just make mean remarks about everyone, as well as airing our dirty laundry. Later that week, he holds a meeting about sexual harassment, the boss purposely picks Karlee to show the “DON”Ts” of sexual harassment. He just started feeling up on her in front of everybody. He grabbed her titis and squeezed her ass just to show what we shouldn’t do in the work place. Finally, What broke Karlee for sure, He bursted into the office and began to scream at her about her poor performance this quarter. If screaming at her wasn’t enough, he shows up minutes later with his dick out and puts it right next to her face. At this point she was done, she wanted nothing to do with this place anymore. This is where I come in, the good friend who is always there to console her. I let her cry on my shoulders for a little bit. Then, I proposed something that would definitely make her feel better. That’s right. I fucked the shit out of her all over our office. I made her cum time after time. Her giant tits and her perfect ass bouncing up and down on my cock was probably the best thing I’ve ever seen at this company. She squirted multiple times all over our coworker’s desks and personal belongings. After I was done with her, all her stress was gone. Sometimes all a girl needs is a friend.

  • 00:36:27
  • May 03, 2017
  • 414


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