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kalina ryu takes on a monster cock

Kalina Ryu loves cock, luckily for her this week she had a chance to get some monster cock. Kalina was swinging on the back yard when her boyfriend’s best friend showed up and helped push her on the swing. Soon, it turned into something more, when he grabbed her ass. She got instantly turned on and wanted to see his gigantic cock. As his pants came down revealing his monstrous cock, Kalina got even wetter and she couldn’t believe the size of it. She decided to try and see if this enormous thing was able to fit in her mouth and down her throat. With some level of difficulty she was able to achieve her task. Now it was time to see how much his monster cock would stretch her pussy. Kalina’s tiny little pussy got fucked in several different positions. All culminating with a giant load to her face.

  • 00:38:33
  • Jan 27, 2018
  • 343


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