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rhound and big white ass on the bus

We were looking for the highway to get us the beach to see if we can score on some honeys. On one of the streets something caught out attention, big time. A big, juicy white ass bursting out of these little jean shorts was making it’s way up the sidewalk. Of course, we immediately rushed over there and started talking to her. Her name was Rhonda Rhound and she had major attitude to go along with that big booty. We were able to soften her up a bit and then talked her into getting on for an “interview”. After throwing some cash her way, we found out just how far she was willing to go. All the way! Our boy Tyler took care of her real good always making sure that we have a view of that big ass bouncing and jiggling as it got fucked hard. After taking his cum on her face, we threw her shorts with the money (or so she thought) outside and drove away. What this girl lacked in brains she makes up with dat ass…ha ha ha.

  • 00:55:30
  • Feb 27, 2018
  • 499


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