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biggest toy ive ever fucked - video

I was gifted this big dildo from Bad-Dragon by a fan. I ve never taken anything as big as this dildo before - it was 2 inches thick and 2.5 inches thick at the base of the toy. My big black dildo is only 1.7 inches so this was quite a stretch for me! I start out with my smallest toy - a glass dildo and work my way up from smallest to biggest, each toy get me wetter and wetter and slowly stretchy my hungry cunt until I get to my biggest toy yet. I slowly push it in, moaning at how big it is and how it fills me up inside. I can t get the base in at first but I fuck him, filling my pussy up with every thrust until the knot pops inside of inside of my pussy and I m stretched to my limit. But it feels so good! I keep fucking it until I m satisfied and then show off my pussy at the end. I can t wait to do this all again with an even bigger toy!

  • 00:11:14
  • May 04, 2018
  • 76


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