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diamond jackson protects her home

Diamond Jackson was getting ready for a relaxed night in her bedroom, when she heard a loud noise from the other room. I turns out that someone was breaking in. she quickly grabbed her baseball bat and went in pursuit. She snuck behind the home intruder and just when she was about to do something, she realized who the home intruder was. He happened to be her daughter’s boyfriend. She decided to take control of the situation, she pulled his pants down and started to go ham on his cock. Diamond wanted to see what her daughter saw in him. After choking on his cock for sometime, they moved the action to the bedroom, where she instructed him to bang her in several different positions. Diamond Jackson got the fucking she deserved, she sent him home after he busted a load all over her giant tits.

  • 00:38:33
  • May 17, 2018
  • 749


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