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perv roommate gets fucked

Gianna is getting ready to go out, in the meantime, her roommate sneak in into her room to sniff her underwear, She looks stunning, her hair is done, her make up is done, her outfit is done and her boyfriend just canceled on her again. Outraged, she decides to go to her room to cool off, her roommate hears her coming and hides in the closet, Gianna starts to masturbate to release the tension while her roommate records her with his cell phone, suddenly he kicks the closet s door and gets exposed, Gianna freaks out, he apologizes and explain to her how difficult it is to be her roommate she is hot, sultry and has the most perfect tits he has ever seen, what can she expect. She feels flattered and invites him to stay, she let him taste her tits, then she gives him a bj so he shows her his gratitude by fucking her really hard and cumming on her pretty face. 

  • 00:30:09
  • Oct 01, 2018
  • 321


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