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the luxus bitch in los angeles

Yes, I admit it; it was a bit decadent just to go shopping in Los Angeles for shopping. Even if it was just a week, it was worth it again. In my luxury apartment complex it was also really good to endure. But then I discovered something while shopping that does not exist in Germany yet. A vibrator to go that can be remotely controlled via the app. My guy at home has downloaded the app and I put the horny part right in my pussy. Then he sent me to the pool to satisfy me by app and public. Wow, that was awesome as I came under my bikini panties. But that s not enough; soaking wet and still cool I have addressed the next best at the pool and taken to fuck. But see for yourself what caused this miracle thing and how incredibly wet I was. If I should tell him at home how I was fucked and he sprayed his cum on and in my cunt?
Tags : cumshot, cum, sex, fucking, hardcore, blonde, hot, sexy, milf, amateur, homemade, mature, horny, orgasm, app, fibro

  • 00:06:17
  • Feb 27, 2019
  • 58


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