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licking pussy for a tattoo

Kelsey and Alexis wanted to get a tattoo at Charlie’s parlor. But he was way too popular. The wait was at least and prices were astronomical. Luckily Mia could offer them another solution. If they would go wild for Girls Gone Wild, Charlie would let them cut the line and Girls Gone Wild would pay for the tattoos. On top of that Mia promised she would get a dick tattoo on her arm if the girls would say yes. So much pressure. It took the girls 5 seconds to decide. Yes they would get dirty with each other. So Mia kept her part of the bargain. Charlie tattooed a dick on her arm. Kelsey and Alexis started to lick each others pussies, slide some fingers deep inside, lick the clits until they both came in explosive orgasms.

  • 00:23:15
  • Mar 10, 2019
  • 246


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