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abdl humiliation sister exposes your nursery and diapers

For ABDL s into humiliation... you have a horrifying secret... you still wet the bed & wet yourself and your bedroom is a nursery. You never have friends over but your step sister, Red, brings home a friend, Robin, and they go into your nursery! Robin is shocked that you still wet yourself & laughs at your diapers and crib when Red shows her. You come home & sees your step sister & friend in your nursery bedroom & they laugh at you. Red checks your diapers and realizes she needs to change your wet nappy & tells you to lie in your crib. It s so embaressing cuz Robin is watching this & asking embaressing questions... arghhh... Red shows Robin your closet full of girly sissy clothes & they pick out an outfit for you & put it on. Yeah, your step mom secretly wanted another girl instead of a stupid boy. Red then shows Robin how she has to use the pink wand to make you make cummies inside your diaper periodically so that you don t touch yourself and the gi

  • 00:12:32
  • Jul 09, 2019
  • 139


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