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lizzy lamb hot female pee desperation and jeans wetting

Brand new amatuer girls next door Lizzy Lamb is NOT acting as she s frantically & trying to contain her full bladder. She had to drive to my hotel and had downed a lot of water; she was practically leaking in the car and as SOON as I opened the door, she was already in this frantic state. This is an interview style video where I ask her different questions about her desperation, etc. She does some super hot hard crotch grabs and a lot of frantic pee pee dancing. I ask her to do jumping jacks & sit ups which push her bladder to the brink & she loses control and she makes the HOTTEST gasping and wetting noises as she starts wetting herself, completely pissing her jeans for the 1st time ever! Hot wetting stories in an interview style & VERY REAL accident. Her super cute personality really shines in this tight jeans wetting video
Tags : pissing, pee, peeing, wetting, omorashi

  • 00:10:36
  • Sep 29, 2019
  • 189


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