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abdl sitter kikicali messing diaper and cum

You re chilling in your adult crib when a new cute sitter comes in... except she thought the job was taking care of a REAL , not a grown man in diapers!! She s a little taken aback & looks around your nursery while talking to herself in amazement that she s in a huge nursery with a grown man being a , not mean or condecending, just observational and giggly. She finds her instruction list: Check diapers... she feels them, they re wet. Give you a bottle... she feeds you your boba. Play with toys... she finds some fun toys books but as you re playing, your tummy is rumbling and you LOUDLY (with a lot of noisy farts) mess your diapers as she giggles and watching in amusement! She pinches her nose cuz it s SO stinky! The last thing on her list is to make stickies in your diapers with the help of the magic wand. She thinks it s hilarious as she holds the wand over your wet & messy diapers, encouraging you to do everything in them;
Tags : diaper, ageplay, abdl, nappy, diapered, nap

  • 00:08:33
  • Dec 04, 2019
  • 57


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