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amatuer lady gets pampered diapered for wetting herself

a continuation of Lolly wetting her wash jeans yesterday, her roomate/landlord D-Perv pulls her inside before the neighbors see her pissy jeans and chastises her for having yet another accident. D-perv tells her she s going to diaper her cuz this is the final time this is happening, as she peels off her pissy jeans! First, she spanks her over her knee until she s sucking her thumb. Then she drags her into the nursery, gets her up on the changing table and takes off her panties, explaining all her panties will be padded, soft and crinkly plastic ones from now on. She wipes her and slides a cushy diaper underneath. As soon as it s taped up tight, she wets her diaper immediately!! D-perv diaper checks her throughly, lots of diaper checking, hands on diaper shots both front and back & explains to her she ll have to sleep in the crib from now on & leaves a pouty lolly in the crib

  • 00:19:05
  • Dec 29, 2019
  • 146


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