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cheyenne jewel pissing orange pants poolside

You re a waiter spying Cheyenne on the lounge chair & she *gasp* just grabbed her crotch! OMG, does she need the bathroom?! apparently so. You walk to to her & She asks where the bathroom is, gingerly getting up & going.... but when she hobbles back, with hand on crotch she tells you they re closed? Maintenance is still working on it so she sits down & tries to keep all that pee from coming out! Crossed legs and worried looks all around, a little spurt escapes but she quickly closes her legs and grabs her crotch tight! It s a huge gusher as she realizes it s coming out & she spreads her legs wide & pisses long and loudly.... rivers of pee just splashing through her pants & visible panty lines. You see the gigantic puddle underneath & she s very apologetic and embarrassed about it. Behind the scenes chatting with Cheyenne Jewel as she talks about the experience and also previous real life stuff & also touches her hair non stop with her pissy hands (sh

  • 00:11:43
  • Jan 14, 2020
  • 77


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