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waitress desperate to pee wetting her work pants

Waitress Whitney is pressing her legs together and shifting her weight back & forth... the tell tale signs she needs to pee! you recognise this & start chatting away, watching her get more & more desperate in her tight tan pants. She s hobbling away & holding herself. Her hands are holding stuff when she spurts some pee into her panties & you see a tiny spot appear on her crotch!! She s writing your order so she can t even grab her crotch!! The leak gets bigger... until she starts totally wetting her pants while holding her tray! She s mortified and her face shows ALL the emotions, from embarrassment to horror as she tries using napkins to dab the large pissy stains all the way down her light khaki pants! her boss is horrified and tells her to just put an apron around herself; she s so appalled she quits!
Tags : pissing, pee, peeing, wetting, omo, omorashi

  • 00:12:59
  • Jan 26, 2020
  • 132


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