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maid wraps her tiny hands around big black cock

There was that all familiar knock on the door. Room service! she announced as she walked into my temporary habitat, my home away from home, some random hotel in Miami, FL. She was really cute and petite. I believe she was a Latina. I can t say for sure because she didn t yell at me in Spanish. That s usually how I can tell they re Hispanic. She started cleaning up the room and I told her I was going to cum. She was not amused. Okay, so? she responded. I asked her to just watch and . But I begged and pleaded and she reluctantly sat down next to the bed to watch. (It s a good thing there was a seat there, huh?) There was a bit of awkward silence and then she asked me, So when are you cumming cause I have to go... I told her I needed help. She was willing to lend a hand if I was willing to leave her a huge tip. This is not her first rodeo, I gather. She knows what she s doing. She sat on the bed next to me and stroked my dick with her right hand like an expert.

  • 00:03:29
  • Mar 05, 2020
  • 625


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