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abdl pov 2 mommies have a candid conversation while you re in the crib

2 asian mommies have a conversation about you while you re in your crib all diapered up. Your (diaperperv) is giving some ABDL tips to new Loosey Lu. D-perv talks about how she checks and changes you, your HUGE brown messes in your diapers, etc as Loosey asks questions & they talk about diapers, your habits and then D-perv comes over to quickly diaper check you & they discuss you like you re not even there. Loosey comes over to diaper check you (PU, you re kinda stinky!) & they talk about messy nappies & other stuff right outside your crib. It s embaressing hearing talking about your diaper habits & messiness but babies don t get privacy... that s for grownups & big boys.
Tags : diaper, ageplay, abdl, diapers, abdl-nursery

  • 00:10:22
  • Mar 25, 2020
  • 126


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