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terra mizu pee holding contest in low rise jeans

Terra makes a bet with you to have a holding contest & the winner has to buy dinner! She s wearing classic low rise, flare tight jeans w/ pink panties peeking out the waist & shows off her figure perfectly. Lots of squirming, pee pee dancing & bending over in sheer desperation. ITs super hot when it starts coming out. She starts leaking uncontrollably and there s tons of dark pee streaks all the way down onto her bare feet. Lots of pissy feet shots & you can see how yellow her pee is! and then fun BTS talking about real life desperation scenes
Tags : pee, omo, omorashi, female-desperation, pissing-jeans, jeans-wetting, pee-jeans

  • 00:11:40
  • Jul 26, 2020
  • 238


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