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asian milf pees her yoga pants real pee desperation

Hottie MILF asian Loosey legit COULD NOT HOLD IT and it just came pouring out of her tight yoga pants when she realized she was locked out! SHe tried her best,, bending over, super frantic and while calling her friend on the phone, she starts leaking and just can t hold it in anymore!! A lot of pee gets in her socks and sneakers. Close ups of her wet pissy feet, socks as she wrings out her tennis shoes too and wrings out her wet socks! A lot of pee is dripping off them & you can see the ridiculous amount of urine she was holding... and you can hear it coming out and dripping off. Loosey is hilarious as we talk about the scene & her inability to hold it more than 1.25 mins.
Tags : pee, peeing, wetting, omo, asian-milf, yoga-pants, omorashi, female-desperation, wetting-pants

  • 00:08:47
  • Aug 17, 2020
  • 93


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