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babysitter puts you back into diapers from pullups pov mommy

Your AB-Mommy got a new babysitter & it s the lovely MILF Caroline Pierce. You have to stay at her place tonight & your ab-mommy gave her a diaper bag full of pullups but she also explained that you re a heavy wetter & they often leak. Caroline is in no mood to be cleaning your urine off her furniture so she s going to put you in diapers instead, no if ands or buts!! Get into the crib... yes I know you re too old for a crib! Lie down so she can take off your pull ups and put you in a huge diaper!! with cute prints on it!! How humiliating... as she talks condecendingly & firmly about your wetting issues & how big boys like you should be potty trained... you soak your diaper! You were trying to hold it to prove a point but you couldn t do it... she feels it and smirks, telling you you re not getting a diaper change that easily & that you ll have to sit in your pissy diaper for awhile...
Tags : abdl, diapers, caroline-pierce, adult-diaper, pov-mommy, aby-mommy

  • 00:10:12
  • Aug 17, 2020
  • 244


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