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nursing student gets freaky

Another day on the Bang Bus and today we head over to Miami College to try and find some hot college chicks. Unfortunately, the school is still technically not having classes in person due to COVID, so we think we re out of luck. All of a sudden, like an angel in the sky, a ridiculously sexy girl appears and she s all we need. We find out that she s a nursing student waiting for her ride. No need for that ride anymore. After giving her some money for an interview , we eventually find out that she s actually a stripper on the side, so we make it rain. She shows us her huge tits and we get her on the bus to have some REAL fun. We pay her to get naked and Preston falls in love. Her body is fucking perfect. Huge tits, amazing ass, pretty face, and a kickass personality. We love this girl. The money makes her horny and she gets a little freaky. Preston eats that booty like it s dinner time and she gives him an amazing blowjob before fucking like we ve never seen. This girl is the bomb. Pre

  • 00:45:27
  • Nov 17, 2020
  • 884


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