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cheating girlfriend gets revenge

Today on the bus we pull up on a super cute asian girl. Her name is Kimmy and she s a bag of fun. She s super small, only 4 11 but there s a ton of personality in a small package. It doesn t take much convincing to get her on the fact, it takes no convincing. We got her to flash us her perky tits and bubbly booty and she got right on. We play some games with her before getting down to business. We need this girl to fuck. She explains that she has a boyfriend but he hasn t been answering her for a few days. She wants to get revenge, and what better way to get revenge then fucking a stranger on a bus for a porn site? She gives Tony an amazing blowjob and they fuck in multiple positions on the bus before we kick her out and move on to the next.

  • 00:54:27
  • Dec 09, 2020
  • 919


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