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the “cable” guy

Arietta Adams had to stay home and wait for the cable guy. She happened to be super horny, so she began masturbating as she waited for the cable guy. In the middle of her masturbation session, she heard a knock at the door. The cable guy had arrived, she let him inside. However the cable guy couldn’t contain himself. He began masturbating to her instead of fixing the TV. Eventually, she caught him but she was so horny that she went behind him after he went back to work and continued masturbating. After some time, with him distracted she squirted all over her the cable guy’s face. From there, things escalated quickly. She fucked him in order for him to fix the TV for free. Arietta’s pussy took cock from the cable guy in several different positions before receiving a huge load all over her face. Only to soon discover that he wasn’t even the real cable guy, instead her neighbor disguised as the cable guy.

  • 00:40:12
  • Dec 14, 2020
  • 795


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