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fuckin in the junkyard

We are so close to 2021 that we thought, fuck it let s go to a junkyard, bring one of the hottest chicks we ve ever worked with, and lets fuck in public! We go to the junkyard with our boy Tommy and we see him struggling with fixing a car. Ariana Van X, a damsel in distress, walks in and starts scheming about ways to get Tommy to fuck her. She tells him that she s lost and that it s really hot outside. She takes off her overcoat before he can finish another sentence and she shows up with the hottest piece of lingerie I ve ever seen! Thin red straps that wrap around her beautiful body, just tight enough to show us her thick thighs. Ariana wants to have fun but Tommy says he has a girlfriend. Ariana makes a point saying she won t do anything to his girlfriend. They go around the back of a van to get started but then they realized fuck it! Let s get on top of this van and fuck like rabbits! On today s edition of Public Bang, check out Ariana getting drilled by Tommy s cock and check out those sweet visuals! We think this one, and Ariana, is a 10/10!

  • 00:26:24
  • Jan 01, 2021
  • 920


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