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best stepdad ever

Richard Mann is just getting home when his stepdaughter calls him to her room. Tori Montana begs her stepdad to take some full-body modeling photos. Richard is happy to oblige her request. Tori starts posing. Richard notices that she has a gorgeous body. She needs to change for the next set of photos and gets completely naked. Richard has to leave when he sees her beautiful big breasts. In the bathroom, he starts to jerk off. Concerned Tori checks on her stepdad. To her surprise, She sees his massive cock. She barges in and pleads to let her help him. She takes that huge dick in her mouth and starts to devour as much of his girth as possible. She asks him to fuck her tight little pussy. He is more than happy to get in there. She takes it all in her tiny pussy. She is delighted. He cums right on her face.

  • 00:33:18
  • Jan 28, 2021
  • 1745


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