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diapered sissified and cuckolded by hotwife bella ross

Bella Rossi is showing her friend, Cheyenne Jewel, your new AB nursery. It s a surprise for cheating on her... she s going to take away all your toilet priviledges & keep you in diapers as your only option. SHe s also going to sissifiy you... as she s explaining what sissification is, you walk into your former office to be greeted by all this babyish stuff & a huge gigantic crib! Your wife Bella explains the whole deal... she takes off your pants & puts a pink chastity device on you, telling you that you ll be wearing this for awhile under your *gulp* diapers!! They lie you down to diaper you & Cheyenne is pointing and laughing at your predicament. They even pink out a frilly pink satin dress . Yes, cuck!! Bella s already got a new boyfriend who s manly with a huge cock... and you ll be trained to suck him off. They make you suck a huge pink dildo as they tease and laugh at you.
Tags : diaper, abdl, nappy, sissify, diapered, diaper-punishment

  • 00:13:40
  • Mar 24, 2021
  • 143


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