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2 adultbaby-mommies chat as you mess your diaper

your ABmummy has a friend over in your nursery & they re chatting about throwing an AB party after the pandemic. What foods should they have? what games will all the littles play? You re relegated to your crib & sometimes mummyBella will glance over at you & also check your nappies... they re just wet! She starts talking about how you ve been constipated the last couple days but lo & behold, you feel rumbling in your bowels and need to go #2 now! before you can signal mummyBella on what s going to happen in your diapers.... it HAPPENS in your diapers! P.U!! Bella smells it & so does Cheyenne! It s no biggie, just a normal day as a bigbaby for them. They laugh about it and keep talking about games, etc. They check the back of your diaper & feel the mess but determine there s still plenty of room for wettings. They re going to prepare dinner now so they leave you in your messy diaper in your crib
Tags : diaper, ageplay, abdl, adultbaby

  • 00:10:26
  • Apr 15, 2021
  • 119


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