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whitney morgan deseprate to pee during job interview

Desperate to impress during a job interview, she can barely contain herself & starts dribbling into her dress pants! She arrived just in time & with a VERY FULL BLADDER. When she can no long take it, she stands to ask where the toilets are & ends up soaking her pants in an torrential & epic manner! Its spurting out everywhere from every angle (2 angles for the wetting parts with no cuts) and it s a huge pee puddle (there s also pee in her shoes too) & she s humiliated when the interviewer asks her if she has bladder issues or bowel issues. She must stand there while the janitor is called & tries to dry off with a hair dryer in bathroom!
Tags : pee, peeing, wetting, omorashi, pee-pants, wetting-jeans

  • 00:17:04
  • Apr 25, 2021
  • 111


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