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will it fit???

Chloe Temple was getting ready to meet Brickzilla. Brickzilla whose monster cock was bigger than a brick!!! She brought a big ass glass dildo to stretch out her pussy first. Let’s hope it would help a little. Then Brickzilla came. His dick was bigger than her face, bigger than her arm, bigger than her leg!! She could only fit a small part of it in her mouth as she was sucking it. Then he tried to squeeze it into her pussy. It was stretching it so much! Poor little pussy. Meow. Then he fucker her harder. It was hard for her to breathe. He tried to pick positions that would make him penetrate her extra deep. She was a good girl. She took it all. He came into her mouth and she swallowed it all.

  • 00:35:24
  • May 01, 2021
  • 3387


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