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there is a rip in your pants

Rachael Cavalli was doing some stretching when Johnny the Kid knocked. He was a friend of Rachael’s son Marc and wanted to play some video games with him. He would just wait until Marc would be back. Rachael asked Johnny to help her stretch. This is when he realized that her Yoga pants were torn in the middle and her whole pussy was exposed. He couldn’t stop staring at it. After a while she realized that happened. She was cool about it. But she realized that watching her gave him a giant boner. He couldn’t leave just like this. He would get blue balls. Tenderly she opened his pants and started to blow his dick. This didn’t make him cum so she fucked him. She fucked him hard. She fucked him fast until he came into her face.

  • 00:38:33
  • Jul 02, 2021
  • 911


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