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revenge sex on the bus

Ailee Anne was heading to that big hip hop festival. But here was no bus in sight. Except for that white bus. Obviously her instincts warned her to get in. She refused and refused. But those guys had so much cash. They were so convincing. And a ride would be so convenient. So she got into the bus. A few hundred dollar bills later she was in her panties only. And this Tyler Steel guy was kind of cute. She was planning on revenge sex in Miami anyway. It just came so much quicker than expected. That big cock tasted so good in her mouth. It felt even better in her pussy. Tyler fucked her from the back, from the top, from the front and good old mish. He shot a full load into her face. She got out of the Bangbus to check on the tire. And just as expected the bus just sped off.

  • 00:54:27
  • Aug 19, 2021
  • 1241


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