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thunder fuck

Gracie Gates was enjoying the Boardwalk when this white van / bus pulled up. Three guys were inside and girl, could they talk. Anyway to cut a long story short there was a huge storm coming. They could already hear the thunder. The boys gave her $600 just to
come inside the van and flash them. Plus they would keep her dry and drive her home. As they were driving this young fellow named Tony Rubio confessed how he liked to be a nudist and stripped naked. He had the biggest dick Gracie ever saw in her whole life. She sucked it. And blew it. And sucked it some more. Then they fucked. Tony knew how to fuck well. And how to make her cum. His dick deep inside her, his fingers in her clit. She kept coming. As they were in missionary Tony couldn’t hold back any longer, pulled out and shot his load into her face. There was another loud thunder.

  • 00:58:39
  • Sep 22, 2021
  • 1373


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