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going for the g-spot

Sera Ryder was playing with her purple vibrator. But never mind how hard she tried she just couldn’t get off. Luckily her step brother Tyler Steel noticed her struggle. He was watching her through the door and at some point decided to knock. They talked about how hard it is to cum when you are distracted. Sera had an idea. What if he would use the the vibrator on her? Turned out Tyler was quite an expert. That vibrator quickly reached her clit and then the g-spot. His fingers started to help. Sera decided it was time for a dick. Take it out! She demanded! Tyler started to fuck her! Then they stopped for a little bj. Then he fucked her more. Doggy! Mish! She was riding his dick! In the end he shot up his sperm like a fountain. She loved to lick it.

  • 00:48:36
  • Oct 19, 2021
  • 615


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