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Voilet Gems was walking home when this white van stopped next to her. $100 convinced her for a quick interview. She was working at a restaurant, she was 19. For $300 she showed the color of her panties. For another $500 she flashed her tits. There was so much more money in the van she would be stupid not to get in. More cash got her to strip naked. Peter Green stripped naked too so she wouldn’t feel alone. His dick was huge. So she touched it. Then they kissed, titty-fucked. bjed, doggied, mished and rode the fuck out of each other. They fucked wild and hard. Peter came in her face. Somehow her clothes got thrown out of the van. She jumped out the get them. The van sped off. With all the money they promised her.

  • 01:01:21
  • Nov 10, 2021
  • 1199


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