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public pantsing volume 1 - by immeganlive

So there I am, a Thursday morning, shopping quietly at Walmart. Everything was chill until I got pantsed in the middle of the store! He pantsed me so hard and so fast with two hands that my butt cheeks bounced! By the time I realize what just happened, I had my leggings down to my ankles and my ass showing under my white tight panties to the whole store! I couldn t believe what just happened! I was so embarrassed and surprised! So I just kept going trying to forget what just happened, when I got pantsed for a secnod time! For the whole time I was there, he pantsed me over ten times!!! And even with people in front of me, behind me and BESIDE ME! I didn t know that pantsing was such a turn on for him, knowing that before I wouldn t have walked in front of him!
Tags : ass, butt, panties, walking, submissive, humiliation, public, games, voyeur, shopping, public-flashing, ass-shaking, leggings, laughing, pantsed, embarrassment, panty-fetish, pantsing, imposed-stripping, t-shirts-and-pan

  • 00:07:29
  • Nov 29, 2021
  • 149


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