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public pantsing volume 3 - by immeganlive

It was laundry day. I didn t have much left to wear on that day, I had one pair of panties left. You know the one at the very bottom of your drawer, the one you never wear because it s too ugly. Yeah that s right, that s the one I had left, in my case it was granny panties! Well, we were doing some errands and walking outside to end our day at the movie theater when he had the brilliant idea to give me pantsing one after the other in plain sight! In front of everybody to see. He had to pick the worst day possible! I was soooo embarrassed you can t even imagine how! I ll tell him all about it after each time he pulls down my pants to my ankles! I even felt once! Humph! Trust me I’m never going to walk in front of him anymore! Don t miss out on Public Pantsing Vol.1 & Vol. 2 , looks like I never learn…
Tags : ass, butt, panties, homemade, walking, submissive, humiliation, public, games, voyeur, public-flashing, ass-shaking, leggings, laughing, pantsed, embarrassment, panty-fetis

  • 00:09:36
  • Nov 29, 2021
  • 137


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